Nikki M Group provided Global X ETFs with publication design services to typeset Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) for three exchange traded funds (ETFs) listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Global X ETFs Australia (formerly known as ETF Securities Australia) is a leading provider of ETFs. It is a subsidiary of Global X, headquartered in New York, with ~$59 billion assets under management (as of January 2023).
Global X ETFs Australia offers investors access to a diverse range of products across thematics, commodities and income.
Nikki M Group collaborated with Global X ETFs during the acquisition of ETF Securities. We rebranded their PDSs, which included:
Our role included the initial text design and typesetting of three RPDSs:
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Nikki M Group developed an InDesign template for the Global X marketing team to maintain and develop PDSs in-house.
Our design and publishing services included: