Page 34, design of a data table and infographic. Simplified Chinese, Page 6, layout design showing an arrangement of body copy, a text box and a photograph of people in PPE clothing. Latin American Spanish, Page 3, design of a data table and infographic. Cover design for publication ‘Actions to address health literacy and equity in social housing, Victoria’, a research report published for the Centre for Global Health and Equity, Swinburne University of Technology.

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Musculoskeletal Health

Strategic report

Towards a global strategy to improve musculoskeletal health was published by the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-MUSC). The report reflects a multi-phased program of work aimed at co-designing a blueprint for a strategic global response to improving prevention and management of musculoskeletal health. The report provides a framework of focus areas, supported by specific actions, for health systems strengthening for musculoskeletal health.

Publishing services

Nikki M Group worked directly with the authors to design, develop and publish the report.

Our services included:

  • publication design
  • typesetting
  • information graphics
  • creative artwork.

Pages 10–11. Page spread showing the design of an internal body page and section opener.

Towards a global strategy to improve musculoskeletal health

Translated into six languages

Towards a global strategy to improve musculoskeletal health was published in English and translated into six languages:

  • Arabic
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Hindi
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Spanish (Latin American)
  • Swahili.

Pages 34–35. Double-page spread showing tables of data, world maps, donut graphs and bar charts.

Information graphics summarising complex data.

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Talk to us about your project

  • Publishing a report?
  • Need editorial services?
  • Publishing multiple languages?


Design and typesetting services for education.

Information graphics

Nikki M Group created information graphics for the report that suited the layout design and communicated information succinctly.

Information graphics included:

  • icons
  • tables of data
  • graphs
  • charts
  • heatmaps
  • flow charts
  • diagrams.


Publishing multiple languages

Nikki M Group has produced a range of publications in languages other than English. Our experience covers languages such as Japanese, French, Indonesian, Arabic, German, Tongan and Italian.

If you need to reproduce a publication in multiple languages, talk to us about your project. We offer consultation services and prepare formal quotations to get you started.

Fast facts

Total pages


Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health
Curtin University, The University of Sydney, Health Sense, University of Toronto, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Linguistico
Musculoskeletal Health (MSK)
Government: Ministers, Policy Makers, Clinicians
PublishingTypesettingInformation graphics